Education Welfare Services
We offer the full range of Education Welfare Services including:
A comprehensive, high quality, professional service working with schools / parents / and young people on all Attendance and Welfare Matters.
Specialising in improving schools policy and procedures to improve Attendance and Reduce Persistent Absence in schools. (This includes full Audits and recommendations from the only qualified EWO that can sign off Audits in the Leicestershire area).
Prompt action and speedy case work from inception of referral to legal action.
Priority given to all child protection and safeguarding issues and immediate action on the day of referral.
Investigating and referring students with medical conditions for alternative provision.
Meeting with OFSTED inspectors regarding schools attendance matters.
Full Training and Mentoring scheme for those schools seeking training for new attendance officers / managers or further training for established staff.
Sick / Holiday cover for schools were required.
Full and comprehensive cover for Public liability and Professional Indemnity.
For a full list of services provided, please contact us...